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Looking for employees?

You've come to exactly the right place!
Whether you need one or more employees
Regardless of whether you are looking for a fitter, welder, accountant or manager
We can help you now!
In L.M. Group, we will make sure to find you the best candidate for the right position!

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Looking for employees?

Leave your details here, and a representative will contact you as soon as possible


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Looking for a job?

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Our Customers


Our story

We are an experienced group of consultants who have successfully closed projects in Poland, Central Europe, France, England, Singapore, Israel, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates. In a rapidly changing business environment, we are able to adapt to the expectations of the market and our customers. The key to success is our philosophy of only undertaking projects that we are convinced we will complete successfully. 
We apply our motto, "Everything depends on people," to every process. We provide constructive feedback to our clients and candidates and are willing to listen to it because we believe that effective communication in every direction is the beginning of every success and that the recruitment company is the glue of the entire change process. 
We know how important it is for some processes to keep recruitment confidential so as not to cause unnecessary reactions within the organization. We have proven solutions within the organization as well as in communication with candidates and clients that ensure confidentiality of the process until its completion.

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Our Services

We are an international recruitment agency with many years of experience and a wide range of specialists.
At the same time, our services are tailored to meet your individual needs.
So if you're looking for employees, we'd love to take on the challenge!

Temporary work services

Employment of workers under a contract of employment or through an employment agency

Permanent Recruitments

Recruitment of high-class specialists and representatives of middle and senior management staff

Technology and IT

Recruitment of qualified High-Tech and IT employees (permanent or contracting recruitment)


Managing complex processes on behalf of a client in the areas of logistics, warehouse, HR and payroll or other business processes

Executive Search

Top management recruitment with the support of advanced technological tools

HR Applications 

We are proud to manage and develop a series of software, websites and applications in the field of human resources

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